Friday, October 22, 2010

How To Install LED Soffit Lighting

We have been getting a lot of interest, from around Scarborough and Toronto as well as farther away  about our LED soffit lighting and thought it would be good to put up another post which gives more information about them.

The new generation of recessed lights are warmer in colour making the longevity and energy efficiency of LEDs even more appealing.

At about $200.00 to $300.00 per light installed, the lights are not for the price sensitive but are great for the Toronto homeowner who plans on staying in their home for awhile. They are perfect for highlighting an entrance and or security lighting.

With a life expectancy of 20 years plus (100,000 hours), there will be many years to appreciate the unique look, flexibility of placement and energy savings.

If you are handy and can do the installation yourself then here is a direct link to the manufacturer as we supply and install only.

A video for you to see how we easily install a LED recessed / pot light into an existing aluminum soffit:

A video of how we make the connections:

This Toronto video shows how to decide where to place the lights at an entrance area and also how to run wire in the existing soffits:

A video of how we configure the power source and automatic timer. The best location is in a garage or in a utility room. All that is required is a spare outlet that we can plug this unit in to.

We do installations here in the Toronto area. Visit our website at

Sunday, October 10, 2010

North Shore Eavestroughing at the Home Show with Jay Purvis of the HGTV show The Fix

Eavestrough leafguard downspouts Toronto Recently we were invited to a Home Show to speak with a panel of experts to give advice to homeowners on renovation dos and don'ts.

It was hosted by Jay Purvis of the HGTV show The Fix

We were happy to speak on the importance of a proper functioning eavestrough and leafguard system on your home. We gave tips and advice on how to prepare your gutters for the winter season.

North Shore Eavestroughing works in Scarborough, North York and other areas in and near Toronto.
Visit for more information or to contact a rain water management professional.

Sunday, October 3, 2010

Onstage Connecting With Clients Event Hamilton

Small Business owners North Shore Eavestroughing Toronto This weekend North Shore Eavestroughing was invited to speak to small business owners at the Hamilton Ideal Home Show. It was an excellent opportunity to share the basics of social media to small business in Hamilton. It was a great success and we were thrilled to share the stage with media experts and contractors who are embracing social media.
(from left to right):

Tom Whitaker of Tiny Briefcase. A company who helps small business use technology to improve their business.

Myself, Darren Perry of North Shore Eavestroughing of Toronto

Andrew Goodman, President of Page Zero Media and author of best selling book Winning Results with Google AdWords. A true expert on online pay per click campaigns.

Chris Healy also representing Tiny Briefcase.

Jerret Jastal of Stonecoat. An expert in resurfacing concrete outside and everything inside.

Jeff Schnurr of Toronto Home Theater and Inview Marketing.

Definitely a great group of people and I highly recommend contacting them if you think they might be able to solve any of your problems.